In the previous post you learned about the most important fundamental data types in R. The types we will learn about below and not less important, but less fundamental. This means they are built by taking one of the base types we encountered before, and ‘adding some features’. These features change the behavior of the type, e.g. how it is printed or how it is affected by certain function calls, but also what kind of operations it allows.1
This process of ‘adding features’ is usually done by adding
‘attributes’ to an object. In principle, you can add attributes to any
objects without much effect by using the attr()
<- 2.0
x attr(x, "Mood") <- "Haha!"
To retrieve attributes use attributes()
## $Mood
## [1] "Haha!"
Sometimes, adding attributes of a particular name have more relevant implications. One useful way to use attributes, for instance, is to name the single elements of vectors, something that changes the way the objects are printed and something that we already discussed in the context of lists:
<- c(1, 2, 3)
y attr(y, "names") <- c("First", "Second", "Third")
## First Second Third
## 1 2 3
## $names
## [1] "First" "Second" "Third"
But things become really interesting if you add an attribute called
since this really transforms the data types into a
new, less fundamental type. In fact, this is how the types we discuss
below, are created: smart people added, among other things, a class
attribute to a more fundamental data type (integer
in the
case of factor
s and list
in the case of
s). The art of writing new classes is part of object oriented programming,
an advanced concept that we do not cover in this course (and, to be
honest, one of the areas where R is not particularly well designed).
One implication of this ‘less fundamental’ nature of the objects we
encounter below is that typeof()
usually returns the base
type. For instance, below we will learn about the factor
, a
type that is built upon integer
. If we call
on a factor
, it will return the
fundamental type, i.e. factor
<- factor(c(1,2))
xx typeof(xx)
## [1] "integer"
Fortunately, the standard test functions (is.*()
usually work, so you can use is.factor()
## [1] TRUE
Alternatively, you can always inspect that attributes of the object to find out about its class:
## $levels
## [1] "1" "2"
## $class
## [1] "factor"
All this can be confusing at first, so it is important to keep this
in mind. Once you wrapped your head upon this, many confusing behaviors
suddenly start to make sense, e.g. that mutating factors within a
can result in whole numbers, a phenomenon we
will discuss in the context of data wrangling later.
We usually use factors to represent ordinal or categorical data. At
first sight a factor is an atomic vector that can only take a
pre-specified number of values, so called levels. To create a
factor we use the function - surprise - factor()
<- c("Female", "Male", "Female")
x <- factor(c("Female", "Male", "Female"))
x x
## [1] Female Male Female
## Levels: Female Male
If we want to define levels that do not yet have any instances, we
can do this with the optional argument levels
<- c("Female", "Male", "Female")
x <- factor(c("Female", "Male", "Female"),
x levels=c("Diverse","Female", "Male"))
## [1] Female Male Female
## Levels: Diverse Female Male
If we use the argument levels and also try to add values that are not
included in the levels, these are set to NA
<- c("Female", "Male", "Female")
x <- factor(c("Female", "Male", "Female", "Diverse"),
x levels=c("Female", "Male"))
## [1] Female Male Female <NA>
## Levels: Female Male
Usually, the sequence in which we mention levels does not matter. In
the case of ordinal data, however, the sequence becomes important. To
consider it, we must use the argument ordered
<- c("High", "High", "Low", "High")
x <- factor(x,
x levels = c("Low", "Mid", "High"),
ordered = TRUE)
## [1] High High Low High
## Levels: Low < Mid < High
Frequently, the elements of factors are words, i.e. objects of the
type character
. From a technical point of view, however,
factors are stored as integers
: in order to save memory
space, each level is assigned a whole number in the computer memory,
which is then mapped to the actual value. Especially when the elements
consist of large numbers or long words, this helps saving memory space
since these expressions only have to be stored once, and each element of
the factor is only a simple number. Therefore, typeof()
also returns integer
for factors:
<- factor(c("Female", "Male", "Female"),
x levels=c("Male", "Female", "Diverse"))
## [1] "integer"
To check whether an object is a factor we use the function
## [1] TRUE
Not all operations that are defined for integer
however, also work for factor
1] + x[2] x[
## Warning in Ops.factor(x[1], x[2]): '+' not meaningful for factors
## [1] NA
At the same time, there are some useful things we can do with factors. For instance, the function table gives us the absolute frequencies of the factor elements, a task that is very common for categorical data:
## x
## Male Female Diverse
## 1 2 0
The data.frame
is a special type of list. It is among
the most widespread data types used in data analysis. In contrast to a
normal list, all elements of a data.frame
must have the
same length. This means that you can think of a data.frame
as a list arranged as a rectangle and represented as a table. The
headings of the tables then correspond to the names of the vector
elements of the list.
Because of the close relationship, we can create a
directly from a list by using the function
<- list(
l_3 "a" = 1:3,
"b" = 4:6,
"c" = 7:9
)<- df_3
Here we might think of the names of the three vectors,
, b
and c
as the headings of a
table (representing, often, variable names), and the content of the
vectors as the cell entries of the table:
## a b c
## 1 1 4 7
## 2 2 5 8
## 3 3 6 9
The relation to list
s becomes obvious if we call
, which returns the underlying data type:
## [1] "list"
To test whether an object is a data.frame
we use
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
The difference to a list becomes particularly obvious in the different printing behavior of the two:
## $a
## [1] 1 2 3
## $b
## [1] 4 5 6
## $c
## [1] 7 8 9
## a b c
## 1 1 4 7
## 2 2 5 8
## 3 3 6 9
A more direct way to create a data.frame
is to use the
function data.frame()
<- data.frame(
df_4 "gender" = c(rep("male", 3), rep("female", 2)),
"height" = c(189, 175, 180, 166, 150)
) df_4
## gender height
## 1 male 189
## 2 male 175
## 3 male 180
## 4 female 166
## 5 female 150
To extract single elements, columns or rows of a
we can use [
and [[
a similar way we used it for lists, just keeping in mind that we now
have two dimensions to deal with, instead of only one in the case of
To subset columns we can call them by name:
"gender"] df_4[
## gender
## 1 male
## 2 male
## 3 male
## 4 female
## 5 female
The result is another data.frame
## [1] TRUE
If we want to extract the underlying atomic vector we must use
"gender"]] df_4[[
## [1] "male" "male" "male" "female" "female"
This is also helpful to inspect the underlying data type:
## [1] "character"
Data frames can become very large, so its often useful to get a first
overview about what the data.frame
contains. The functions
, dplyr::glimpse()
, and View()
are useful in this
The function names()
returns a vector with all the
column names:
## [1] "gender" "height"
Hint: For large
s it can be useful to wrapnames()
, which sorts the resulting vector in alphabetical order.
Head only prints the first n
rows of a
. By default n=5
, but you can set it
head(df_4, n = 2)
## gender height
## 1 male 189
## 2 male 175
The package dplyr
proves the useful function
, which gives a general overview about all
columns and their types:
::glimpse(df_4) dplyr
Finally, if you work within R Studio, you can use View()
to get a Excel-like representation of your data.
As you might have guessed by now, data.frame
s are the
classic object to represent read-in data. If, for instance, you download
data on GDP in Germany from the Internet and then import this data into
R, it usually gets represented as a data.frame
. This
representation then allows direct analysis and manipulation of the
At the same time, data.frame
s are a very old object
type, the behavior of which sometimes feels a bit outdated. Because of
this, some authors created a new data type, which is built upon the
, but behaves slightly different: the
. The tibble is made available via the package
, so to use tibbles, this packages has to be loaded
You can read more about tibbles in chapter 10 of R for Data Science, i.e. here (to avoid confusion:
in his book Hadley always attaches the package tidyverse
the beginning of the chapter. This includes attaching the package
Digression: Dialects of R As with natural language, programming languages feature different dialects, i.e. different ways of doing the same actions. In R this becomes particularly obvious in the context of dealing with data. Here, the different dialects show themselfes in different object types used for the data you are working with. To the best of my knowedge, there are three main dialects, each associated with a different focus on data representation. The base dialect represents data as
s and it is the original approach envisioned by the R developers. The tidyverse dialect represents data astibble
s and is built around a number of different packages summarized under the name tidyverse. It is aimed to develop an set of packages that allow you to do all tasks commonly associated with data science within a consistent syntax and design philosophy. The data.table dialect represents data asdata.table
s, which are provided by the package data.table. It is designed to work with large data sets and is by far the fastest and computationally most efficient approach to data processing. In this course we will follow thetidyverse
dialect because it is particularly easy to learn, widespread, and usually a good default option. Once you mastered it and you want to work in the field of big data, you should then consider learning the data table dialect as well. Right now, the most important thing is consistency: all the dialects help you to achieve almost any aim you will ever have in the context of data science. But things get very confusing if you mix different dialects in practive. Their functions are designed to work well with the other elements of the respective dialect environment, but things can become confusing if you mix data types and functions from, e.g., the tidyverse and data.table dialect. If you want to read more about the controversies associated with the different dialects you might start, e.g., here (altough I do not share the opinion of the author regarding teachability).
Transforming data.frame
s and tibble
s is one
of the central tasks when doing data science, and there are different
approaches to it in R. Usually, taking your raw data and turinging it
into a well formatted data.frame
is not straightforward and
usually takes at least as much time as the final analysis of the data.
Thus, it is one of the central course objectives to equip you with the
tools to facilitate this often underrated and underestimated task. But
this will be the main subject of the sessions on data wrangling.
Another data type that is used frequently in many circumstances, especially statistics and engineering, are matrices. These are two-dimensional objects with rows and columns, each of which are atomic vectors.2 We do not deal with matrices explicitly to a large degree, but knowing about how they work often turns out useful. Therefore, I provide a quick overview below, but since matrices are not a central subject of this course, I leave you with some links to further information.
Matrices are created with the function matrix()
. This
function takes as its first argument the elements of the matrix and then
the specification of the number of rows (nrow
) and/or the
number of columns (ncol
<- matrix(11:20, nrow = 5)
m_1 m_1
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 11 16
## [2,] 12 17
## [3,] 13 18
## [4,] 14 19
## [5,] 15 20
We can extract and/or substitute the rows and columns as well as individual values as follows:
1] # First column m_1[,
## [1] 11 12 13 14 15
1,] # First row m_1[
## [1] 11 16
2,2] # Element [2,2] m_1[
## [1] 17
Hint: Matrices are built upon atomic vector, which is why
always returns the type of the atomic vectors making up the elements:
## [1] "integer"
As with factors and data frames this has to do with the particular class attributes of matrices, which, however is implicit:3
## [1] "matrix" "array"
## $dim
## [1] 5 2
To test whether an object is a matrix use
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
The most important thing to learn about matrices is matrix algebra. You can find many good introductions in the web, e.g. here or here and, in German, here.
In fact, some new types allow you to do less
than the original type, i.e. here the new features are restrictions. The
we will encounter below is such an example.↩︎
If you read the section on attributes above: matrices
are objects that were given a new attribute dim
This is another piece of evidence for the very confusing class concept and object-orientated style of R. See this chapter for more details, in case you are interested.↩︎